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What is a cashless society?


Introduction to Cashless Payments

Increase in the use of debit cards, bank transfers, and cryptocurrencies.

$989 billion of non-cash transactions in 2021; $2 trillion estimated by 2026.

Concerns exist over the impact on individuals without bank accounts and shared e-commerce data ethics




Cashless Payments Trends

While cash remains dominant, non-cash payments like contactless cards are on the rise.

Less affluent Americans are more reliant on cash; digital and social commerce driving non-cash payments.

Benefits of Cashless Payments

Benefits include mental math ease, faster transactions, and streamlined accounting.

Small to medium businesses (SMBs) benefit from increased revenue and improved security.

Carrying less cash can also enhance personal security.

Challenges and Solutions

Concerns over the risk to vulnerable people; some cities and states have implemented measures to protect them.

Potential cybersecurity concerns in an entirely cashless environment.

Evolution of cashless payments in response to these challenges.

These are the Top 10 Countries in the World that will experiment with the Cashless Society in the near future!



South Korea

United Kingdom


United States





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